Thursday, May 31, 2007

Well lookey, there!

Upstate makes an appearance on the radar in a big way as Senator Bruno and Senator Little Launch Upstate Now Initiative.

Who says there is no such thing as a free lunch? Wednesday, Chamber leaders from across the Capital District including Carl Cedrone, Chair of the ARCC’s Board of Directors and Todd Shimkus, CCE, the President of the ARCC, attended a lunch co-hosted by Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno and State Senator Betty Little.

Todd Shimkus, Carl Cedrone, and Senator Elizabeth Little.

The luncheon was designed to highlight the New York State Senate’s recently enacted legislation entitled Upstate Now which is a 10-point plan designed to expand economic opportunity and to help local companies succeed, grow and thrive.

“We applaud the leadership provided by Senator Bruno and Senator Little to lower taxes, the cost of health insurance and energy costs as well as to invest in thriving Main Streets, our aging infrastructure, and to prepare the finest workforce in the nation,” said Todd Shimkus. “While Carl and I enjoyed the free lunch in Albany , we realize that our job now is to encourage the Governor and the Assembly to cooperate with the Senate to take action on the Upstate Now initiative which will be of great value to our more than 1,000 members and their 23,000+ employees in Warren , Washington and Northern Saratoga Counties .”

To read more about Upstate Now check out the Business Council of New York State's Knickerbocker Blog where you'll find an exhaustive list of articles that have been printed recently about the initiative.