Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Live it, don't leave it.

The late afternoon sun shone through the windows as a group of twenty local business leaders gathered in the Marshall Conference Room at Adirondack Community College to talk with New York State's First Lady Silda Spitzer about her I Live New York initiative. The signs around the table demonstrated a diverse group, with representatives from health care, medical device manufacturing, legal and financial services, economic development, education, advertising and media.

After a brief welcome, First Lady Spitzer said hello and snickered sheepishly, as the group stood to welcome her, the men wearing suits and the women in equally conservative in dress, that she had dressed down for the intense travel and the more rustic settings further north. She then launched into background on the Brain Drain campaign, designed to complement the efforts of communities throughout upstate New York, in communicating effectively to our region's young people that lives can be made and enjoyed right here at home.

William Flaherty of National Grid and Marcie Dreimiller of Glens Falls Hospital, past and current presidents respectively, of the Adirondack Business and School Partnership, speak about the realities of the disconnect between the business community and the teaching force.

Len Fosbrook, President, EDC Warren County, NY, explained how New Markets Tax Credits could help promote new business in our region, particularly if incentives were taken from the town and city level to the county level, which could effectively diminish the comptetiveness between map lines.

September 18th at SUNY Cortland, the First Lady will host the innaugural I Live New York Summit.
More Coverage:
And here.