Sunday, April 6, 2008

Walk this way...

Choose NOT to drive alone!

During the week of April 21 – April 27, the ARCC, the Glens Falls Transit Authority, the Glens Falls Hospital, the Glens Falls YMCA and the Glens Falls/Adirondack Transportation Council is pleased to invite local residents to join us for a week long local “Earth Day” initiative by choosing not to drive alone. By walking, bicycling, carpooling, or taking the bus rather than driving alone, you can help to:

√ Reduce traffic congestion and pollution
√ Feel better about yourself by getting some exercise, burning calories, reducing the stress of driving, or by participating and knowing that you made a difference
√ Conserve demand for scarce resources, such as fuel and parking spaces
√ Save yourself some money

Participation is easy. Just list the amount of miles that you would ordinarily travel by car to work and tell us what you did differently by completing this form. Completed forms should be returned to the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council by Friday, May 2, 2008. Everyone who chooses not to drive alone during this week-long celebration will receive a special gift from a select group of area organizations. A/GFTC will also send all participants and their employers a tally of the beneficial environmental impacts that result from this community-wide effort.
And yes in case you were curious, even the ARCC's President will be leaving his car at home.