Sunday, August 24, 2008

An Offer and a Promise

Warren-Hamilton Counties Office for the Aging
Solutions to issues of aging, through services, advice and information.

We are a Government agency dedicated to maintaining seniors’ independence and dignity in our bi-county region. Our services take the form of, actual programming and advice/information that helps seniors, their families, friends, and employers about the confusing issues associated with aging.

Our programs are at little or no cost or are designed to reduce costs and include:
Ø A meal programs for seniors. At our 12 meal sites hot noon meals are available to any resident over 60. Not only do seniors get a balanced meal but often the social aspects nourish the minds of the participants as well. The meals are offered at a suggested contribution of $2.50.
Ø Home Delivered Meals for seniors are available for those who are unable to prepare a meal or are unable to get to the meal sites.
Ø In home services for the elderly (including housekeeping, shopping laundry and personal care) are available on a sliding fee basis. This service has eligibility requirements.
Ø Home energy assistance HEAP
Ø HIICAP-Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program including EPIC

We offer advice and information at no cost on many subjects important to seniors including:
Ø Insurance information, including understanding Medicare, Medicaid and Medgap programs
Ø Helping understanding complex health bills
Ø How nursing homes and other aging programs are paid for and what are the financial choices.
Ø Planning for long term care expenses for individuals looking forward to the senior years ahead
Ø Legal issues effecting seniors
Ø Safety planning and residential repairs for seniors

We like to think that we have answers to the questions that are asked about aging. The list above is hardly complete but we hope it is enough to make those that are burdened with seeking solutions regarding senior issues to give us a call.

Studies have been done regarding how much productivity is lost because of the need for employees to solve problems for their senior relations or friends. We believe we can help to get employees back to work by helping them with answers to these issues. As an employer you might consider us part of your employee assistance plan. Give us a call at 761-6347. We are here to help.