Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tom Suozzi tells the truth

The well funded special interests looking to protect the status-quo are now spending $1.5 million on top of the $850,000 they wasted on an earlier advertisement in an effort to derail the bipartisan effort to pass a tax cap in New York. Besides Democratic Governor Paterson and the Republic Majority in the Senate, Tom Suozzi is to be credited for telling the truth. Here's his response to these ads:

"Supporters of the cap, including Suozzi, say Massachusetts has benefited from its property-tax cap. They cite student test scores, which are consistently the highest in the country; spending per pupil, which ranks seventh in the nation; and overall state and local taxes, which are about average for the country. New York ranks among the highest in spending per pupil and in taxes but is in the middle of the list for test scores.
"Massachusetts has done a great job over the years," Suozzi said.
Suozzi said the cap would be the most effective method of combating the state's high property taxes. Suozzi also said he supports a circuit breaker that would limit property taxes to a percentage of income, but tax increases have to be capped first.
"It's unfortunate that (the groups) are spending all this money and all these resources to derail the tax cap instead of giving us a solution," said Suozzi, a former candidate for governor who headed a commission that came up with the tax-cap idea. "If these people were in school, they'd get an A for fiction and an F for facts."

The fact is that a tax cap and a high quality education are NOT mutually exclusive. Massachusetts makes this clear in spite of the propaganda you might see on television.