Monday, October 6, 2008

Healthy Workplace Awards Announced

Nearly 60 people turned out to honor four local organizations for making history by becoming the first local employers ever to receive the ARCC and the YMCA's Healthy Workplace Awards. The four companies that we honored included: Americlean, Glens Falls Hospital, the Hudson Falls School District, and SCA Tissue - North America. The four were presented with an etched bowl of fruit designating them as a "2008 Healthy Workplace Awards Winner" at a breakfast sponsored by Capital Financial at the YMCA.
"These four employers have taken very simple and practical steps to improve the health and safety of their employees," noted Todd Shimkus, President of the ARCC. "They're examples for others to follow and we hope that will be the case. Collectively they demonstrate that every employer can become a champion for a healthy workplace whether they are a small business, a nonprofit organization, a public agency or a large manufacturer."
Photo from left to right: Todd Shimkus, of the ARCC; Mark Miller, of Americlean; Jodi Byrnes and Ron Zimmerman of the Glens Falls Hospital; Michelle Burke, of the Hudson Falls School District; Susan Zarzycki of SCA Tissue North America; and David Kisselback of the Glens Falls YMCA.