Friday, September 26, 2008

Local YPO Comes Together

The mission of the ARCC's Young Professionals Organization or YPO is:

To make our region a more vibrant place to live, work, learn and play by harnessing the collective strength of our commmunities to make positive change.

Who we are...

We wear blue collars, white collars or no collars at all. We work day shifts, night shifts or make our own hours. We call Warren, Washington and Northern Saratoga counties home. We are creative. We are passionate. We are determined. We will shape the reality of our future starting today.

What's next...

The YPO is forming a task force to join forces with the ARCC's Leadership Adirondack class to participate in a "Day of Caring" on Thursday, November 20th, followed by a celebration at the ARCC's Third Thursday Mixer that evening at Davidson's. The "Day of Caring" will involve volunteers from both the YPO and Leadership Adirondack providing hands-on assistance to area nonprofits.

The YPO will meet on Tuesday, October 21st, at 5:15 p.m., in the ARCC's conference room, to review preparations for the "Day of Caring" and to plan future events. For more details or to participate, please contact Tori Riley at the ARCC.