Friday, April 4, 2008

AMERICLEAN Employees Receive Awards


In an effort to enhance consumer protection and provide air quality assurance to the public, the Washington , DC based National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) held its certification examination for professional ventilation system cleaning contractors on March 8, 2008.

Richard Allen and Bob Walter of AMERICLEAN were among a select group of professionals who passed the NADCA examination and were awarded the distinguished title of “Air Systems Cleaning Specialist” (ASCS). The ASCS designation recognized comprehensive knowledge in the field of ventilation system cleaning and is a distinctive accomplishment.

“Our certification exam was developed under the guidelines established by the National Organization for Competency Assurance,” said Kenneth Sufka, NADCA Executive Vice President. “By following these nationally accepted guidelines, the examination is extremely fair and practical. It does an excellent job of measuring the competency of those who take the exam, he said.

Air duct cleaning is the process by which heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems are cleaned to remove excessive accumulations of dust, debris, and biological contaminants. With heightened public awareness of the dangers of indoor air pollution, the demand for professional air duct cleaning has increased dramatically. The NADCA Certification Program helps to ensure that members of the association possess the required knowledge and expertise to perform these services in a competent and professional manner.

For more information regarding the benefits of professionally performed air duct cleaning services, contact Allen or Walters at AMERICLEAN – 518-793-9274.

NADCA is the only national association representing the commercial and residential air duct cleaning industry. NADCA’s 900+ member companies include the highest quality contractors in the world.